Ethereal Quartet

A captivating mixed media artwork featuring four interconnected panels. This piece blends acrylic, ink, and collage elements to create a dynamic and textured composition. Each panel showcases a mix of warm oranges, cool greens, and muted grays, with vibrant red accents that draw the eye.

The textured surface includes layers of paint and collage materials, creating depth and complexity. Delicate ink lines weave through the composition, adding fluidity and movement. The abstract nature allows viewers to explore and interpret the artwork uniquely, finding connections between the forms and colors.

Ethereal Quartet evokes balance and harmony, with each panel contributing to the overall aesthetic while standing strong on its own. The panels can be arranged in various configurations, offering versatility and a fresh perspective. This piece celebrates the beauty of abstract art and the possibilities of mixed media.

Mixed Media (Acrylic, Ink, and Collage on Canvas)

Four 8" x 10" x 1" panels (Total combined area is 16" x 20" when arranged together)

Individual Panel Price: $300

Total for 4 Panels: $1,200

Year Completed: 2020

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